As you can see… I’m kind of prolific in my blogging! The below are links to blogs in my Travelpod account along with dates and a short description of what the blog is about. When you click on the link, it will open the particular blog in a new browser window/tab.
The World By Bike
Feb 2012 – May 2014
This blog chronicles my bicycle journey from Ladysmith, British Columbia all the way to Koh Lanta, Thailand. I travelled UK, The Netherlands, Germany, Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Vietnam, Loas and Thailand. I covered 12,000 km on my bicycle and in some places I flew, bused, hitchhiked, and took the train my way.
Darren’s World Trek II
March 2011 – August 2011
This blog follows me as I wander around South America. And also I progress in this blog to share the inner experience of leaving the safety of home and just simply venturing out to see the world. Letting go brings with it some hard lessons!
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Back to the Annapurna Circuit
April 2010 – June 2010
Perhaps my most intense blogging effort! Or more the most gut wrenching! Where I chronicled my journey to Nepal and also the process I went through after. Making the HUGE decision to leave my safe and comfortable life in Calgary and set off for a world of adventure.
Darren’s World Trek
October 1999 – May 2001
A significant and life changing adventure that was spurred on by a significant and life changing event! Less than two years before I embarked on this journey, I injured myself very badly playing hockey. I nearly bled to death from a ruptured spleen. This shook me to my core. It made me realize that I could die at any second! and what was I waiting for to live the life I wanted? My life at that time was no where near what I wanted! Not by a stretch. I asked myself what it was that I most wanted to be doing and the answer was very clear… travel the world. Within two years, that is what I was doing.